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Plenary Conference

2022 PEMNA Plenary Conference Korea

WRITERAdmin  HIT1,628 REGDATE2022-09-27

September 27-29, 2022

Seoul, Korea

The 2022 PEMNA Plenary Conference was held from September 27 to 29 under the topic of Fiscal Soundness and Sustainability for the Post COVD-19 Era. More than 130 participants gathered in Seoul, Korea, and about 40 participants joined us online. On the first day of the conference, Mr. Sang-dae Choi, Vice Minister of Economy and Finance of Korea MOEF, Ms. Manuela V. Ferro, Vice President for East Asia and Pacific Region, The World Bank, and H.E. Maria Castillo Fernandez, Ambassador of the European Union welcomed all the participants.

At the joint session, representatives from the Korea MOEF, and the EU shared their fiscal policy responses to COVID-19. The World Bank gave an overview of fiscal policy responses of East Asia and the Pacific Region.

Next, in B-CoP Sessions, participants discussed the following topics: 1) Lessons Learned from Fiscal Stimulus during COVID-19: What Policies Works Better than Others; 2) Withdrawal of Fiscal Support Aligned with Medium-Term Fiscal Plans, and 3) Budgeting at Times of High Inflation

During the T-CoP Sessions, practitioners shared the topic of 1) Agile Treasuries for Crisis Management - Lessons learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2) Role of State Treasuries in Managing Fiscal Risks, and 3) Managing Public Assets to Unlock Public Wealth.

Meeting materials are available below.